

One Size Does NOT Fit All

Celebrating everybody for everything that they are — Because everyone deserves this moment!

How the idea evolved:
Rebecca Baddeley, Director of TDR Bridal Birmingham and creator behind this shoot says:

"I have known for some time that I wanted to do something, needed to do something, to address the elephant in the bridal world room. I remember maybe 6 or 7 years ago questioning, where are the black models? at a trade show. Don't get me wrong, things are improving, some dramatically, others at a much slower pace but, the diversity shown in the aesthetic we offer out to the world of engaged couples, is sadly, seriously lacking and, as uncomfortable as it may be, we the collective bridal industry, need to take a long hard look in the mirror and see what we are portraying. A world in which only straight, young, white, able-bodied females, buy wedding dresses. This simply isn't real life and I am ashamed, sometimes, at this stereotypical, sometimes archaic, representation of brides.

My frustration at trying to find images to represent diversity for my Social Media and for my website, was considerable; I just couldn't find anything, anywhere! I just kept coming around to the same question… Do they think these people don't get married??!!

This shoot was emotional, celebrational, nerve-wracking, exciting, thought-provoking, fun, soul-searching, empowering, educational, enlightening and every other emotion you could possibly imagine. The goosebumps were on high alert and the tears of joy were abundant. Whilst I understand that being a business that is inclusive, in all its forms, can be challenging, it is something I am incredibly passionate about. Being inclusive is always a work in progress, it's a daily reminder to think about how we treat others and how we respond to different brides and this is a celebration of everybody"