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Meet our ambassadors!

Rhakima Johnson

Rhakima Johnson
Being diagnosed with breast cancer at 34 was not a easy pill to swallow, surprisingly I was not overcome with anger, or the why me question but more with acceptance and peace. I understood right there in that moment that this was Gods plans for me this is the path I needed to walk and God would walk it with me it is where my strength and comfort came from.

There were two choices I could make in such a situation, I could choose to dwell, be miserable, cry and be depressed or I could choose to live, be happy, smile and still count my blessings.

I chose number 2. I filled myself with positivity, hope and faith because everything has its season and this too shall pass.

I stand before you a new Woman. A one breasted , resilient, confident and self loving queen who loves her new body. My scar is not a reminder of cancer it's a reminder of strength.

Life after cancer for me is to inspire , encourage, empower and educate the importance of being breast cancer awareness and for everyone to love themselves for who they are not who society says you ought to be. This is why I love MODs values and why I feel so strongly that I can help as an ambassador.
Rachel Steeden

Rachel Steeden

Hey, I'm Rachel and a single mummy of a darling princess who has been bought along to many Models Of Diversity photoshoots and fashion shows over many many years ..I believe we as parents or anyone involved with children have the power to make a change, to educate them about diversity and our own unique differences and raise a generation of people who will be more accepting of themselves and those around them ♥

Being a part of MOD has changed my whole outlook on beauty, including my own and my confidence in my own individual beauty has grown because of this and I feel it on my heart to help others, regardless of their shape, size or ability to love and celebrate their bodies as they are right now and realise regardless of what the media tries to brainwash us with we are already beautiful without photoshopping our own unique differences.

let's love ourselves right now...♥
Leighanne Krystal Mroczka

Leighanne Krystal Mroczka

Successful freelance fashion stylist, creative director and founder of LKM style, Krystal has been part of the MOD family for over 5 years, volunteering her time and talent to direct our LFW shows, shoots and assist with castings, dressing and styling. Krystal's ethos mirrors are own desire for a more representative and inclusive fashion, beauty and media industry and she often helps to campaign for more inclusion.
Kelly Parker

Kelly Parker
Kelly Parker is a doctoral student and research teaching associate at Falmouth University. Kelly also guest lectures in BIPOC media representation and stereotyping, as well as being an online tutor in Post-Digital Content.

Kelly's research explores BIPOC representation within advertising, focusing on the prevalence of stereotypes. Alongside her current research, Kelly is a contributing editor to the MAI Feminism and Visual Culture journal. Kelly has published works that intersect gender and feminism, Black history and cultural studies, and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic's messaging in the UK on BIPOC communities.
Angelica Fenney

Angelica Fenney

An early supporter of Models of Diversity Angelica Fenney is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger and has been a successful International model since the mid 90s, after being diagnosed and fighting cancer six times, Angelica came back to the studio stronger, more confident and with a very different mission.

She now campaigns for body acceptance, confidence and for all people to feel beautiful in the skin they're in. An avid fundraiser she is the heart and soul of the charity and heads up our beautiful bunch of Ambassadors.
Alison Cline-Williams

Alison Cline-Williams

Being a Black Mature model in her 40's I don't feel that there is enough representation at all for people like me. I love what the charity stands for ( in terms of diversity and inclusion) and if I can even make one brand change the way that they look at the older black model or make a women's like me have more self confidence then I would have made a difference.
Yvonne Okiyo

Yvonne Okiyo

Hello - my name's Yvonne. I am a social justice activist and live, breathe and sleep this in both my personal and professional life. I have been blessed to work in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion field for over 20 years and lead and drive work to make a meaningful impact and difference for individuals and communities that are socially and economically disadvantaged, marginalised and/or from underrepresented groups in society. It is this passion for making a difference for discriminated groups in society that led to me wanting to partner up with MOD as our ethos and values are completely aligned. As an older, black, athletic/curvy part-time model with alopecia - I don't see people that look like me in the industry and I want to do something to change that for myself and others.

I am also a holistic lifestyle coach - my approach focuses on body, mind and soul - all three are really important to me. I'm passionate about mental health and wellbeing but also about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. As a self love and body positive advocate - I empower women to feel confident in their bodies and love the skin they are in.
Godessdiamonds Giwa

Godessdiamonds Giwa

Eternally grateful to Models of Diversity Charity that provide a foundation and plarform for Woman, Men and Children. People who have Dreams to accomplish greatness or highlighting their strength and empowerment. everyone has the chance to be great. To Celebrate and stand United in Making Change in the Fashion, Modelling Media and Beauty Industries.

Showcasing the importance of Disabilities Height, Bodies, Size, Nationalities,Gender,Race and Religion. Models Of Diversity work tiredlessly to make a difference in the industries with the British Fashion Council. Whilst sustaining professional relationships with multiple Iconic and Highstreet fashion Brands. Breaking all records Boundaries for 12 Years.
Gloria Dalafu

Gloria Dalafu

I am a black woman who wears her hair naturally. That is what makes me unique. It allows me to embrace my identity and challenge societal norms and expectations surrounding black hair. It has also fostered a sense of community and connection with others who share similar experiences. This has led to a more inclusive and empowering space for everyone.

Numbers are my thing, and I have taught mathematics in secondary schools for nearly 20 years. I currently work in a UK secondary school as a Lead Maths Practitioner.

The media plays a significant role in shaping self-confidence and body image. As long as certain beauty standards are constantly promoted, it may be difficult for people to feel confident about themselves, as they may feel inadequate or fall short of these unrealistic expectations. This can result in low self-esteem and low self-confidence.

Physical fitness and self-confidence are connected. By prioritising our physical health, we improve our appearance and self-esteem, as well as our mental health.

My passion for fitness and general health led me to found F4LIFE The group promotes a healthy lifestyle and encourages physical activity for all body shapes and sizes.Through my fitness group I have now developed a love for the camera. As such, I am a freelance model who promotes diversity and inclusivity.

I am very excited to be part of the Models of Diversity family as we share the same values.
Samantha Nelson

Samantha Nelson
Samantha Nelson is an Engineer, DE&I champion, Grandparent, Model, and Story-Sharer. She lives in London and has immense passion and experience in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, she has been widely recognised for her advocacy as a diversity champion. She speaks internationally on topics such as compassion, empathy, and emotional engagement. Prior achievements stand as a testament to a commitment to engage, educate and involve. She focusses on bringing together diverse community groups and building allyship, leading to positive cultural change:

  • Awarded the British LGBT awards 2017 UK Diversity Champion title.
  • Listed in the OUTStanding future leaders list 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021.
  • Awarded the European Diversity Awards 2018 Diversity Champion title.
  • Listed in the HERoes in Business top 50 future female leaders 2018 and 2019.
  • Top 20 Diversity Champions - Global Diversity List 2017, 2020 and 2021.

She has presented at many events on DE&I, Gender, mental health issues including for the Vanguard Network, Financial Times, Chartered Insurance Institute, Centre of Synchronous Leadership, Stonewall conference and the Royal Society.

“Models of Diversity are the embodiment of everything I have every believed in regarding positive representation, celebrating the uniqueness of every individual and focusing on uplifting people. It is a pure joy to be involved with MoD, every event gives us all a glimpse of how beautiful the world can be, inclusive, supporting, a true celebration of all people. I am blessed to have found my family, Viva the Fashion Revolution”
Victoria Jenkins

Victoria Jenkins

I am a Disability advocate and I want to bring more conversations around people with Disabilities to the mainstream media. I have been following MoD's progress for a couple of years and I believe passionately in their mission statement and work every day to help them fundraise so they can keep going. I also founded Unhidden which is an adaptive fashion brand for people with Disabilities and our core beliefs completely align.


MOD had the pleasure of doing an Instagram live with Mojo back in 2021 and fell in love with the joyful energy, inspiring realness, and bundles of personality she brings to everything that she does. MoJo is a strong and credible advocate for mental health and is best known for her positivity and encouraging women to love themselves authentically, in a way that inspires and entertains all, which is why we feel she is such an asset to our MOD Ambassador team.

MoJo has recently hosted the London Queer Fashion Show and hosted the red carpet at the 2022 Attitude Awards interviewing the celebrity guests and nominees. Aside from MoJo's TV and social presence she has performed with the likes of Lizzo at Glastonbury for the BBC, has been featured Huffington Post and has starred in music videos for John Legend and Wiley.
Aeva Andersson

Aeva Andersson

Aeva: professional model, makeup artist, advocate
Angela Reid

Angela Reid

Angela Reid is a plus sized, mature model and actor who left a job in the financial sector to embark on a modelling and acting career at the tender age of 50! She is also a professionally trained Public Speaker and a Certified NLP and Relationship Master Coach.

She is passionate about diversity and inclusion in fashion and is determined to be an inspiration and role model to women starting a modelling career later in life.

Angela wants to empower women and girls to be and do whatever they choose without limits. She said, “If one person decides to take up modelling after seeing me on a catwalk or billboard, my job has been worthwhile”

To Angela, being an Ambassador for Models of Diversity is an absolute honour. Everything the charity stands for resonates with her and she will do everything in her power to promote acceptance of all body types etc in fashion.

Angela believes representation encourages belonging, we all deserve to feel like we belong.

The fight for diversity and inclusion in fashion is one that will take time, determination, persistence and grit. Angela has never shied away from a challenge and is willing to do what it takes to help champion change